MAL Interview With Victoria Holden, Plus Free DLC

A few weeks ago I interviewed Crunchyroll's almost do it all person (though her main role is social media) Victoria Holden. I encourage you to give it a read when you...
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To Preorder or Not to Preorder?

Do you remember shopping for books, movies, and games before the Internet? When I was young, I always looked forward to the next Disney movie. There was no preordering back then, just...

Instant Analysis Plus: Tuxedo Gin Volumes 1-3

Before reading Tuxedo Gin, I knew two things: that this manga was beloved by some people I know, and it was old. As in, before my time. I also concluded that...

ANN, Why?

Anime News Network posted in their interest feed the real name of Sanji from One Piece. It seems innocuous enough -- it reveals a spoiler from the upcoming chapter, so that...

Instant Analysis: Crazy For You

Justin: Crazy For You was a JManga by the author of Kimi ni Todoke title that never got finished as JManga closed its doors. Fast forward to now and it returning under...

Welcoming The New Year in Japan

I guess this is still the time to wish everyone reading this a very Happy New Year. I must say that for me 2015 has been really eventful (moving in Japan...

Behind The New FUNimation Logo

Last week FUNimation kicked off the new year by introducing a brand new service, and a brand new logo. The new service led to some media confusion and gripes online, but...

Please Save My Money – The “It’s Too Expensive” Argument

Not too long ago, I was at Barnes & Noble. As I was wandering around, I overheard a young guy talking about manga with his friend. He picked up the first...

What The Media Is Getting Wrong About FUNimation Now

FUNimation, after a solid amount of complaints about their streaming service for years, announced that they will be re-branding their current streaming service into FUNimation Now in February. It's exactly the move...

Spotlight on Barnes & Noble

Years and years ago, I primarily bought my books at the Waldenbooks in the mall. Despite having a Barnes & Noble across the street, Waldenbooks' membership was free and included plenty...

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