The Anti-Social Genius on Castle Point Anime Convention

After years and years of growth, The Stevens Anime Club (and likely the Stevens Institute of Technology) determined it was time. As in, time to finally move this event off campus...
Kristen Gudsnuk, behind the Dark Horse Comics logo

Kristen Gudsnuk’s Change in Perspective

At New York Comic Con, a ton of talented people walk around or hang out at the 4 day event. Kristen Gudsnuk is one of those talents. The creator of Henchgirl,...

Amecon 2016: My last UK con

Welcome to the UK, where it rains all the time. Or at least looks like it's about to rain. It's been too long since I've gone to an actual anime con in...
Anime NYC 2018 slime

Anime NYC 2018: Ben Applegate Looks Back on Kodansha’s 2018, Looks Ahead to 2019

While at Anime NYC, I was able to chat with a few people in the industry. The first for today is with Ben Applegate. As the Associate Publishing Director of Kodansha...

LCAC 2016: Cosplay on a Budget Panel

At Liberty City Anime Convention, Day 2 of the convention had two cosplayers, Marie Grey and Koneko YourAverageNerd, give advice on how to cosplay on a budget, without having to spend...
Anime NYC 2018

Anime NYC 2018: The Good, the Mixed, and the Bad

So if you haven’t heard, Anime NYC had 36,000 unique attendees at the Javits Center this year. That makes it the 3rd largest North American anime convention, behind Anime Matsuri and...
Anime NYC 2018 poster

TheOASG Heads to Anime NYC

The second year of Anime NYC is just about here, and that means it's time to learn what actually went right, and what didn't this time! But chances I'll find out everything...
AKIRA at CPAC 2016

Castle Point Anime Convention 2016: Interview With AKIRA

At this year's Castle Point Anime Convention, I was able to do a couple of interviews -- one of them happened to be a vocalist/model/crossdresser/big anime fan. AKIRA grew up on...
Anime NYC premiere of Kase-san

Anime NYC 2018: Kase-san and Morning Glories Edition!

Interested in checking out a cute, funny, and good romance anime? Look no further than Kase-san! Anime NYC had a few premiere screenings over the weekend, from Mob Psycho 100 Season 2,...
Anime NYC 2018

Anime NYC 2018: Industry Panels Overview

Anime NYC as a whole was pretty fun, if also too busy at points. But what about the publishers who went to the convention? Well, outside of a very few companies...

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