Anime NYC 2017: Narae Lee Talks Bloody Sweet, Maximum Ride

Over at Anime NYC, TappyToon brought Korean artist Narae Lee over for the inaugural convention. Known for working on the graphic novel adaptation of James Patterson's Maximum Ride series, Narae Lee's...

Anime NYC 2017: Ernest Woo, Sun Bang, and TappyToon

At AnimeNYC, Ernest Woo and Sun Bang spent the majority of their time meeting not only fans of their platform, but introducing a new audience to TappyToon. What is TappyToon? It's another...

Anime NYC 2017: Panels Overview

For an inaugural con, even if Anime NYC was powered by Crunchyroll, you'd expect it to be simple. And with the year close to being over and announcements already made, you'd...

Anime NYC 2017: The Good, the Mixed, and the Bad

Good + Panels and the dealers room being maybe 2-5 minutes away is a good way to take advantage of the space the Jacob Javits Center gives you by not having to...
My Hero Academia cosplay Stella Chuu

Stella Chuu Talks Cosplay’s Evolution, Finding Time

If you've been going to conventions long enough there's a good chance you've seen Stella Chuu cosplaying one of the biggest titles of the season. If you've also been on the...

Stephanie Sheh on Re-Dubbing Gundam SEED, SEED Destiny

When Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny arrive sometime soon, chances are you're not going to hear the old cast. Announced over Otakon weekend, both of those Gundam titles will be re-dubbed...
Kristen Gudsnuk, behind the Dark Horse Comics logo

Kristen Gudsnuk’s Change in Perspective

At New York Comic Con, a ton of talented people walk around or hang out at the 4 day event. Kristen Gudsnuk is one of those talents. The creator of Henchgirl,...
Yaya Han

Yaya Han on Her Collection, Cosplay Fabrics, and Change

In thinking back to the first cosplay she had ever done, Yaya Han recalled her days as a teenager where the idea of cosplaying the way she can today was never...

Impressions of The Anime Con in Times Square

The biggest standout of Liberty City Anime Convention is that it's an anime con smack dab between a Hershey’s store and a MAC cosmetics store, and across the street from said...

LCAC 2016: All Guest Fireside Chat

Ok, almost all the Liberty City Anime Convention guests, but a good amount in general, as a combination of anime industry voice actors and actresses, and internet personalities/voices hung out and...

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