Amecon 2016: My last UK con

Welcome to the UK, where it rains all the time. Or at least looks like it's about to rain. It's been too long since I've gone to an actual anime con in...
Anime NYC premiere of Kase-san

Anime NYC 2018: Kase-san and Morning Glories Edition!

Interested in checking out a cute, funny, and good romance anime? Look no further than Kase-san! Anime NYC had a few premiere screenings over the weekend, from Mob Psycho 100 Season 2,...

Anime NYC 2022 Interview: Mel Kishida

From illustrating the Heaven's Memo Pad and Red Data Girl light novels, being the character designer of Hanasaku Iroha, the illustrator for the Atelier Arland series, and character designer/supervisor for the...

Stephanie Sheh on Re-Dubbing Gundam SEED, SEED Destiny

When Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny arrive sometime soon, chances are you're not going to hear the old cast. Announced over Otakon weekend, both of those Gundam titles will be re-dubbed...
Kristen Gudsnuk, behind the Dark Horse Comics logo

Kristen Gudsnuk’s Change in Perspective

At New York Comic Con, a ton of talented people walk around or hang out at the 4 day event. Kristen Gudsnuk is one of those talents. The creator of Henchgirl,...
My Hero Academia cosplay Stella Chuu

Stella Chuu Talks Cosplay’s Evolution, Finding Time

If you've been going to conventions long enough there's a good chance you've seen Stella Chuu cosplaying one of the biggest titles of the season. If you've also been on the...
Anime NYC Dark Horse panel

Anime NYC 2021: Panels Overview

Social media has been the go-to for getting new licensing information from companies as the COVID-19 pandemic has continued. Since attending physically wasn't an option, online conventions popped up to fill...

Anime NYC 2022: Industry Panels Overview

With Anime NYC being a known convention for local publishers (Kodansha, Yen Press) and those outside of New York (Crunchyroll, J-Novel Club), this is the major place to make any big...

Anime NYC 2017: The Good, the Mixed, and the Bad

Good + Panels and the dealers room being maybe 2-5 minutes away is a good way to take advantage of the space the Jacob Javits Center gives you by not having to...

LCAC 2016: Media Blasters Panel

From the announcement of the Rio: Rainbow Gate dub to Q&A with Brittany Lauda and Matt Shipman, here's the audio of Media Blasters's panel at Liberty City Anime Con. 0:15: Introduction 4:21: Coming...

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