The Ancient Magus’ Bride: Those Awaiting A Star: Part One Review

The Ancient Magus' Bride has been a surprisingly popular manga on both sides of the Pacific, it has reached bestseller lists in the US and Japan (under the title Mahoutsukai no Yome)...

Noblesse: Awakening Review

An ancient being tasked with protecting the world from supernatural creatures has awakened from an 800 year slumber…and decides to spend his time at anime high school. For the first third of...

Fireworks Review

Fireworks rolls off the tongue better for the West than its Japanese title (Uchiage Hanabi, Shita Kara Miru Ka? Yoko Kara Miru Ka?, which translates as 'Fireworks, Should We See It...

Tsukigakirei: as the moon, so beautiful Review

Tsukigakirei is an anime that ended regretfully. It's odd to say considering it didn't give indications of there being more, but I say that not out of malice, only that this...

Under The Dog Review

You'd be forgiven if you forgot that you had backed an anime kickstarter from 2014, even if it was one that promised as much ambition as the one done by Creative...

Sword Art Online The Movie: Ordinal Scale Review

Finally, this Sword Art Online torture is over for me...okay, so it wasn't all torture. I'm sure a third season will come along or something. Anyway, Ordinal Scale. I was going...
Ancien and The Magic Tablet Hirune Hime

Ancien and The Magic Tablet Review

You know how every time you dream you know something great or awful happened but you can't remember it when you wake up? That's Ancien and the Magic Tablet in almost...

Maquia: When The Promised Flower Blooms Review

My local cinema is the best. Cinema ticket prices have shot up in this country sadly, with the regular price of a seat being approximately £10 (around $15-18), but when anime...

ReLIFE Review

For most people, the idea of redoing even a year of high school sounds like a horrendous idea. But for Arata Kaizaki, 27 and underemployed (therefore a NEET), this strange option...

Lu Over the Wall (Dub) Review

If something makes you want to go back and re-watch it once it's over, it's a great work. If you've gone home from a theater and you're still thinking about it,...

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