The OASG PodcastShow Notes

0:00: Justin and Helen, on the 58th episode of It’s Not My Fault TheOASG Podcast is Not Popular, again chat over Skype on what they’ve been up to. For Justin, that involves watching S3 of Attack on Titan, and watching ReLIFEthe OVA. For Helen, that means seeing MaquiaMegalobox…and Yamato 2202!

11:00: Before the two get into SDCC news, the two discuss Digital Manga getting their license suspended in California. They then did renew the license! So…what’s going on with this company?

16:12: SDCC news time!…it’s a lot! First, Helen and Justin discuss the Eisners Award, which finally did the thing! But both have a laundry list of questions about the Eisners.

19:30: Media-Do (they’ve been covered a bit on this site) announced at SDCC they will release the second series of Baki the Grappler, so the one that started in 1999. Justin’s almost hyped for it.

23:29: Drawn & Quarterly’s releasing a collection of works from Yoshiharu Tsuge, which the company has long pursued apparently.

25:00: Kodansha once again brings forth the digital manga announcements!…One of them concerns Helen based on the title. One of them concerns Justin, in every single way!…Maybe the manga is better. Maybe.

28:29: Fantagraphics licensed Moto Hagio’s The Poe Clan. Let’s just say it’s gonna be a while before we see it, as it could come out by 2020.

30:04: Udon had some announcements at their panel, but their biggest announcement is the one they haven’t said…at all. Although they were supposed to say something about Rose of Versailles though.

31:35: Viz is gonna be re-releasing Urusei Yatsura again! Let’s hope this goes better than all the previous attempts to do so.

34:39: Finally, TOKYOPOP is BACK! They’re gonna release Kozue Amano’s Aria series in a collection. Hilarious though that despite having their panel at one of the days at SDCC, no one knew about it until Tuesday.

37:29: But amazingly enough, TOKYOPOP didn’t commit the weirdest surprise announcement — Hiromu Arakawa’s Fullmetal Alchemist: Four-Panel Comics was licensed…but no one said anything about it. Not even the official account. It was all in the press release. Weirrddddddd–

40:17: Now, onto an anime SDCC announcement! My Hero Academia: Two Heroes will be in theaters September 25.

41:09: Now, onto other stuff that doesn’t involve SDCC! Like Wotakoi getting a live action film, which probably excites Helen. Justin on other hand…

41:35: Helen’s just sad that there will be an extended version of In This Corner of the World…only in the sense that she has to debate double dipping.

42:44: And the new Evangelion movie’s definitely gonna come out before the 2020 Olympics. Maybe…

44:44: Crunchyroll added a ton of catalog titles, with only a few Justin’s interested in watching.

50:15: Finally, we got some weird news that involves Glass Mask, All Might and the Galaxy, and Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun forming an idol unit. The weirdest news might be Justin finding out an Air Gear musical exists.

So what announcements took place at SDCC’s got’s you excited? Or…what anime have you finalized for this season? Feel free to mention it in the comments below!