A Real-Life Anime Crossover: Crunchyroll and Funimation

History is filled with weird crossovers and collaborations. Momoiro Clover Z and Kiss. The Brady Bunch and Superman. Disney and Squaresoft (later Square Enix). Archie and The Punisher. But the latest...
What's Cool About Coolmic

What’s Cool About Coolmic

Coolmic is one of those platforms I've heard about (even mentioned!) but never really checked out. Well, with their recent announcement, I decided to take a deeper look at Coolmic. Is...
For Crunchyroll, Is Variety Not the Spice of Life?

For Crunchyroll, Is Variety Not the Spice of Life?

Crunchyroll made quite a stir recently -- but not in the way they were hoping, I'm sure. In case you missed it, Crunchyroll's parent company, Ellation, is launching a new animation studio...
GameStop 2.0 and the Future of ThinkGeek

GameStop 2.0 and the Future of ThinkGeek

GameStop has been in a rough patch recently, and the new numbers were hardly reasons to celebrate -- for this past first quarter, which ended May 4th, they had a 13.3%...
Comic-Con HQ Logo

Is It Worth It To Sign Up to Comic-Con HQ?

San Diego Comic-Con is just around the corner. Are you excited? Whether you are going or not, would you like to experience Comic-Con every day? That's the idea behind the new...
Will Sony's Deal with Crunchyroll happen with the US Department of Justice requiring a deeper look?

Will Sony’s Deal Roll On?

After going back and forth for a while, this past December brought confirmation that Sony, owner of Funimation, would be buying Crunchyroll from AT&T. But is it possible the deal will...
I'm Treated to TokyoTreat

I’m Treated to TokyoTreat

Back in 2018, I did a round-up of Japanese-inspired subscription boxes, ranging from anime goods to Japanese food to stationary and more. One of these I listed was TokyoTreat, a food-based...
Let's Go Retro -- spotlight on new service Retrocrush.

Let’s Go Retro

Each year, anime fans anxiously await news of what manga or light novel is getting an adaptation or what completely new show their favorite director/studio is creating. But there is still a lot of...
Deck the Halloween Halls

Deck the Halloween Halls

Around the beginning of October each year, I usually do a Halloween post -- and that usually means costumes. Because cosplayers are an important part of the anime community, and this...
GameStop's Website Redesign

GameStop’s Website Redesign

So GameStop did a massive overhaul of their website. Is "engaging, easier and faster to use, and tightly integrated with the stores" like they say? Let's take a look. I had no...

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