Hatsu*Haru Volume 9

After spending many volumes on the sidelines, Kagura and Tora come into the forefront. But who’d want to read about them when the happy-go-lucky Kai and Ayumi are trying to scheme?

Tsundere characters are incredibly popular, and I don’t usually have a problem with them. But Kagura just hasn’t clicked with me. She seems to represent the most annoying parts of being tsundere: backtracking her feelings immediately since she’s not honest and has uninspired reasons for liking someone for so long. While she seems to hate guys, especially the flirtatious Toramaru, her crush on him is obvious enough for Kai to pick up on. A combination of him becoming her love counselor and trying to prove to Kagura that he’s good enough to be Riko’s boyfriend leads to the two of them becoming friendly.

Kagura’s relationship with Tora doesn’t progress though, and right now I see no indications that he doesn’t think of her as a sister or cousin. Especially since Kai (and readers) learn that someone very close to them is closer to Tora’s type. (And it’s probably not who you expect it is!)

While Kai’s overenthusiasm has been evident throughout the manga, volume 9 proves that Hatsu*Haru is at its best with this kind of comedy. (Although, technically, when he’s listening to Kagura’s life story, it’s Kai’s underenthusiasm that’s funny.) Kai decides he wants to be more lovey-dovey with Riko, but Ms. Oblivious-and-Super-Strong puts some wrinkles into his plan. Or, to be more accurate, pain into his bones. And while he eventually does get the affection he desires, he still wants to take it up a level.

And this broke high school student has a chance for some free tickets to a hot spring via a hot guy contest organized by Ayumi. But can he win now that he’s quit his playboy ways? And against his very own best friend? Well, Ayumi certainly is rooting for Kai; although she’s encouraged to take it slow with Taka, he mischievously says he’ll invite her on the trip if he wins. I won’t spoil who wins (place your bets now, before you read), but I’m sure the next volume will feature the lucky couple taking this outing. I don’t know how much humor can be featured at the hot spring outside of the usual embarrassment, because a couple-y trip is not a time for overenthusiasm to kick in.

But here, seeing Kai trying to beg his family for money or Ayumi’s bold realization at how to create a new headline are the types of things that completely steal the show. Kagura’s retelling of her past with Tora or Taka saying he’s fine with Ayumi not giving him an answer — those kinds of scenes are just okay. Hatsu*Haru volume 9 has a mix of both, and while I still enjoyed it overall, it proves that Kai and Ayumi should just drive the story while the others come along for the ride.

Although I can’t say I’d be too disappointed if Kagura and Tora were to fall off the bus along the way…

Hatsu*Haru Volume 9
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A fangirl who loves to shop and hates to overpay. I post reviews, deals, and more on my website Daiyamanga. I also love penguins, an obsession that started with the anime Goldfish Warning.
hatsuharu-volume-9-review<p><strong>Title:</strong> Hatsu*Haru<br><strong>Genre:</strong> Romance, comedy<br><strong>Publisher:</strong> Shogakukan (JP), Yen Press (US)<br><strong>Creator:</strong> Shizuki Fujisawa<br><strong>Serialized in:</strong> Betsucomi<br><strong>Translation:</strong> Alethea and Athena Nibley<br><strong>Original Release Date:</strong> November 12, 2019<br><em>Review copy provided by Yen Press.</em></p>